Weingummilady Éléphanteau inadapté
Nombre de messages : 221 Age : 35 Localisation : Autriche
| Sujet: Re: Translations of the Songs Sam 28 Aoû - 18:53 | |
| Thanx a lot alexia21 so you could also say: tonight is the great evening our dreames dress themselves in velvet? I' ve read again through my translation and changed the title and the something in refrain | |
eyeshield2110 Autruche effarouchée
Nombre de messages : 4 Age : 33 Localisation : Canada
| Sujet: Re: Translations of the Songs Sam 21 Juil - 2:47 | |
| «Vivre à en crever» should mean something like «live to the fullest, to the point of dying from it» The meaning is pretty deep, so it's sort of long. Sorry for my english, my mothe tongue is french xD | |