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 Translations of the Songs

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Mam'zelle Bulle
8 participants
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 15:44

At the moment I'm translating the songs into german and I'm nearly finished, but there are some words and sentences which are difficult to translate, because of their different meanings...

so maybe someone could help me a little Smile
I think I got almost every title but I really have problems with translating "Vivre à en crever" (it would be much easier for me to translate then an english translation into german Wink)

I would guess it means something like "live until you explode" or "live for dying"....something like that...i guess I understand the theme of the song but I can't put it into words confused ...
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 17:46

Well...it's quite hard ! Smile
I don't know how to translate "Vivre à en crever", but it's the idea that we have to die, one day, so we have to live completely...I don't know how to explain it. The two expressions that you give are quite good, I think.
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 18:02

or "live until death" ?
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 18:15

I thought to that also, but it french it will be "Vivre jusqu'à la mort"...The idea isn't the same in my point of view...

Your question is so hard ! =)
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 19:51

In reuters.com article it was translate "Live until it kills you". Smile

Dernière édition par meiti le Jeu 20 Aoû - 19:57, édité 1 fois
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 19:56

Well ... that's it !
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 22:04

that sounds good Smile

Mam'zelle Bulle a écrit:

Your question is so hard ! =)

sorry Wink
but this was also the title with whom I had the most problems how to translate it...I now that sometimes you can't translate word by word...but I also didn't know how to bring it into the right words...
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 22:06

It's hard but interesting ! Smile
It's a great idea to translate it !
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 22:21

Mam'zelle Bulle a écrit:
It's hard but interesting ! Smile
It's a great idea to translate it !

yes...sometimes its really hard..because I always want to find the perfect translation Smile

but I hear the songs at the moment every day and sometimes I also start
to sing the songs Wink...und so I really wanna know and understand what
they sing...and also because I have holidays at the moment (so I have a
lot of time^^) I started to translate the songs word by word...and by
the way I learn many new words

sooo thanks for your help...because sometimes I just can't find the right translations
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 22:41

And Mozart found how to make us work during our holidays ...
Great challenge miss !
And now, you have all the songs in english ? then to translate in german ?
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 23:13

Paquita a écrit:
And Mozart found how to make us work during our holidays ...
Great challenge miss !
And now, you have all the songs in english ? then to translate in german ?

yes...it seems so Wink
well...at first I translated them word by word into german with the help of my great dictionaries ^^) und now I'm trying to translate the songs sentence by sentence....but I guess later on I will translate them in english too, because a friend from the US is also interested...but its much easier for me to translate it then in english...
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 0:09

Will you post english versions? You know I'm very interested in it. Smile
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 0:22

meiti a écrit:
Will you post english versions? You know I'm very interested in it. Smile

of course Smile
no problem...just give me sometime Wink
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 10:49

just congrats !! Cool
what you're doing is hard and needs many time
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyDim 23 Aoû - 15:10

Yeah, english version would be great here !
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyDim 23 Aoû - 23:35

Weingummilady a écrit:
meiti a écrit:
Will you post english versions? You know I'm very interested in it. Smile

of course Smile
no problem...just give me sometime Wink

You can take time insofar as you need. Smile
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyLun 24 Aoû - 22:09

Ok...I will try Smile
but at first I have to finish my german translations...but I've only 4 songs left Wink
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyLun 24 Aoû - 22:46

Wow great job ! Congrats, it's complicated to do that.
And after translating, do you notice you understood the songs well in french ? maybe, it's not the cleverest question I asked Suspect
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyLun 24 Aoû - 23:22

Paquita a écrit:
Wow great job ! Congrats, it's complicated to do that.
And after translating, do you notice you understood the songs well in french ? maybe, it's not the cleverest question I asked Suspect

well its' not said yet, that all my translations will be right so..lets see Wink

well...I think now that I really got the message of every song und sometimes it seems clearer when I translated sentence by sentence

altough there are some things, which I'm not sure about...but I at first I will translate them and post the songs and then I will ask, because i guess thats easier Smile
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyMar 25 Aoû - 22:31

Today I've finished my german translations...so tomorrow I will start with the english translation Smile

but I've also found this videos today on youtube...they are really great...although I think I will also post my own translation of these songs later on...but I guess this ones are really good Wink

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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyMer 26 Aoû - 10:15

Waaaaouh ! Thanks a lot ! It's very nice to see the lyrics in english ! But, of course, if you agree, I will be very happy to see your translations !
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyMer 26 Aoû - 11:05

oh yes, thank you ! the translation sticks to french version, we don't loose the spirit of these songs Smile
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyMer 26 Aoû - 22:28

So..voilá my translation of Tatoue moi Smile
Please don't hesitate to correct my mistakes (I guess there are a lot)...there are some parts, where I'm not really sure about how to translate them...but i hope you understand everything

(Because there doesnt exist a word for "on" in english, I translated it with "we" but I guess you can also translate it with "you")

Tattoo me

Divine,naive, dissolute
This evening I invite myself into your bed
We let the husbands sleep
While we love each other/make love
Under the sight of the nice people

I will learn your language and your accent to understand you
I will be frivolous and decadent to surprise you

Tattoo me on your breasts
Do this up to my lips
I will kiss your hands
I will do what you like

Tattoo me on your wall
A future with composing
I want to engrave all my lust
On your gilding

It goes upside down
And we are not afraid of their mean arrogance
(But this indecency!)
We go to the citizen, whistle their vine
Tease their conscience
(You pay for this offense!)

How import the laughs and the looks during my journeys? (?)
They are my wealth, my standard
They are my world

Tattoo me on your breasts
Do this up to my lips
I will kiss your hands
I will do what you like

Tattoo me on your wall
A future with composing
I want to engrave all my lust
On your gilding

Let yourself fall into my arms
Glide me under your blanket
We derive up to exaggeration
We sing for decency
The pleasure of indecency

Tattoo me on your breasts
Do this up to my lips
I will kiss your hands
I will do what you like

Tattoo me on your wall
A future with composing
I want to engrave all my lust
On your gilding

French & English Version
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyMer 26 Aoû - 22:50

Great job!
Thanks a lot! Especially for pdf file. Smile
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs EmptyJeu 27 Aoû - 10:45

So and here are one of the most difficult ones "vivre à en crever"
altough I understand quite everything, i still struggle with the refrain
(I think if I ever get the chance to go to paris, i'm going to ask Flo how he would translate that Cool)

Live until it kills you

We leave
Without knowing
Where souvenirs/memories die
Our life passes by like a space of a sigh

Our tears
Our fears
Don’t want to say anything
We hold on to our wishes
Also yesterday
We didn’t stop cursing

If we must die
We may as well live until it kills us/so live until you explode
Hold everything back
To sacrifice everything

If we must die
On our gravestones I want to engrave
That our laughs had made fun of/fooled
Death and time

We hold on
We embrace
Life like a mistress
We devote us to burn for a caress

She will offer herself
She won’t have another chance

If we must die
We may as well live until it kills us/so live until you explode
Hold everything back
To sacrifice everything

If we must die
On our gravestones I want to engrave
That our laughs had made fun of/fooled
Death and time

We will see us again
We will see us again
There where nothing isn’t nothing anymore
We will understand
Where we come from

If we must die
We may as well live until it kills us/so live until you explode
Hold everything back
To sacrifice everything

If we must die
On our gravestones I want to engrave
That our laughs had made fun of/fooled
Death and time

French & English Version

Dernière édition par Weingummilady le Ven 28 Aoû - 12:56, édité 1 fois
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Translations of the Songs Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Translations of the Songs   Translations of the Songs Empty

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