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 His character : Antonio Salieri

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Mam'zelle Bulle
6 participants
Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 15:38

Flow plays Antonio Salieri in Mozart, l'Opéra Rock.

Salieri is an italian musician, born in Legnago on August, 18th 1750. He died on mai, 7th 1825. In the classic music's history, his role is very different from what it explains in "Amadeus", Milos Forman's movie.

He learnt music with his teacher, Florian Gassman. The teacher presented him Metastase and Gluck. Gluck played an important role, because he proposed "The Danaides" at Music Academy of Paris to introduce the name of Salieri.

In 1774, when Gassmann died, Salieri became court's composer and director of the italian's opera. He travelled a lot to present his opera, in Milan, Paris, Venise and more...

Salieri had a lot of friend : Gluck and Haydn, but also a lot of people who became famous later : Beethoven, Schubert...

In Milos Forman's movie, Salieri seems to be the one who organize Mozart's death. It was a rumour spread by Pouchkine's novel : "Mozart and Salieri". However, this charge isn't based on reel facts. But it's true that Salieri was really jealous of Mozart's genius.
After Mozart's death, with Haydn, Salieri helped to spread Mozart's music, knowing that it was a great musician.
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Dumbo rebelle
Dumbo rebelle

Nombre de messages : 165
Age : 40
Localisation : fère champenoise

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 18:16

Euh ça donne quoi en français!! lol!

Non ça va, j'arrive à comprendre la plupart des phrases Wink

Merci pour le sujet!!
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Where is my drug ?
Where is my drug ?

Nombre de messages : 6925
Age : 32
Localisation : Varilhes, Ariège

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 18:40

Thanks for the description of his character Wink
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 21:18

Thanks for the discription....Its really interesting to read something about this character...because altough Mozart is very popular here in austria und we also had a musical of mozart (which was very different), I don't know anything about salieri...maybe at school our teacher told us his name and that he had something to do with mozart...but nothing more...
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 21:46

really, there was an austrian musical of Mozart ? How was it ? did you see it ?
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 22:21

Paquita a écrit:
really, there was an austrian musical of Mozart ? How was it ? did you see it ?

Yes...9 years ago or so the musical had its premiere...but it was very different...
not only...that the character looks very different...there was also always
a little kid, dressed als little mozart, on the stage, who played his
"genius" and which also killed him in the end...




I really love the musical altough its very different than the french
version now...but i think its great to have different shows about the
same person, because I believe they show different aspects..

also salieri didn't play a part in that musical and was never mentioned
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 23:10

oh it's strange, it seems that salieri is part of mozart's history.
thanx for these information and the pics Smile
mozart is really a genius, he's still a source of creation !
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 23:21

Paquita a écrit:
oh it's strange, it seems that salieri is part of mozart's history.
thanx for these information and the pics Smile
mozart is really a genius, he's still a source of creation !

yes thats right Smile

well I guess it also depends on what is important for the componist and the author
so I'm now really thrilled how the character of Salieri will be shown in the french show
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 14:08

Well, before this musical, I didn't know the name of Salieri...
But, the biography was interesting...i think that it could be a very interesting character to play !
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyLun 7 Juin - 23:24

Salieri is a great composer and musician. It's a shame his music is so neglicted as well as he's considered as Mozart's murderer.
In the topic in french about Salieri, we had a long discussion about Salieri's position in the Court of Vienna and his role in Mozart's death. It seems it's the result of many rumors and the imagination of writers who preferred the thesis of a Mozart's murdered by the first musician of Vienne instead of a simple death by fever. It's the position of the Mozarteum : there's nothing more than a fever in his death.
It would be hypocritical to affirm that Salieri was not jealous. Maybe he was jealous of Mozart's talent but here are some details about Salieri's career : he was Hopfkapellmeister in the Court of Joseph II Emperor and protector, he wrote operas for France, Italy and his arias traveled althrough Europe, he was a great teacher and musician. He didn't seem to be forgotten by music and talent.
It's a website in english, well detailed and based on authors considered as references about Mozart and Salieri :

So, foreigners, do you have any information, observation, advice ?
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Pachyderme confirmé
Pachyderme confirmé

Nombre de messages : 410
Age : 29
Localisation : Ribeauvillé, Alsace

His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri EmptyMer 30 Mar - 20:50

Really good description, interresting...
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His character : Antonio Salieri Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His character : Antonio Salieri   His character : Antonio Salieri Empty

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His character : Antonio Salieri
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