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 His biography

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Mam'zelle Bulle
12 participants
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: His biography   His biography EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 15:18

Florent Mothe was born on May, 13th 1981.

It's when he was seven that he began to play music. He learnt music theory, and he managed quickly to play different instruments : flute, piano, bass and guitar. But, singing has always been his instrument of preference.
At the age of 15, he created his first group, called "Lost Smile". The music of this group had rock influence, like Radiohead, Pink Floyd or Jeff Buckley. During six years, Flow and his groupe made several concerts, in France and Germany.

Then, several years later, a new group is created : Ouija. And, in 2007, Flow left France to go to Toronto, Canada. He began his own carrier. He made concerts in bars, like the Mod Club, Lee's Palace or Jeff Healey's Roadhouse.
At this moment, jazz music became a new influence for him. Sarah Vaughan, Billie Holiday and Louis Armstrong became important for him.

Today, Flow integrate the troop of "Mozart l'Opéra Rock", to play the interesting role of Antonio Salieri.

(this is a translation of the biography given on the official forum of Mozart l'Opéra Rock.)
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Where is my drug ?
Where is my drug ?

Nombre de messages : 6925
Age : 32
Localisation : Varilhes, Ariège

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 18:37

Thanks Wink
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 20:34

Thanks a lot! It's so good to read normal translation, not from google which sometimes is so weird.
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 21:00

Thanks...its great to have a biography in english Smile

it's cool that he can play so many instruments...
I played guitar for 2 years in school...but I totally suck :S
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Apprenti pachyderme
Apprenti pachyderme

Nombre de messages : 657
Age : 29
Localisation : perdu dans mon rêve (je rêve de florent mothe^^)

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 21:18

C'est cool pour travailler l'anglais ^^
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Where is my drug ?
Where is my drug ?

Nombre de messages : 6244
Age : 29
Localisation : annoeullin

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 22:13

Thanks Razz
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 14:04

Weingummilady a écrit:

it's cool that he can play so many instruments...

Very Happy On a video, it was really funny, because he explained that he played several instruments, but he said himself "oh no, I don't play very good", and a few minutes later, he began to play a Mozart's song, at the guitar...It was amazing ! he's just a genius !
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 19:37

Mam'zelle Bulle a écrit:
Weingummilady a écrit:

it's cool that he can play so many instruments...

Very Happy On a video, it was really funny, because he explained that he played several instruments, but he said himself "oh no, I don't play very good", and a few minutes later, he began to play a Mozart's song, at the guitar...It was amazing ! he's just a genius !

On which video? Maybe on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuK7SNXp_60&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fuser%2FWAM2009&feature=player_profilepage#t=134 ?
And maybe somebody will be so good and translate that video? Of course not word for word. Smile
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Serial Mammouth
Administratrice Serial Mammouth

Nombre de messages : 5030
Age : 38
Localisation : Là où tu n'es pas...

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 19:59

No it is not this the one Wink

On this video, Florent appears and explains that he has a role in mozart. He speaks of salieri and what it remained in the history.
He also says that he plays instruments (piano, guitare...) and that he sings. He speaks about what he made before mozart. Wink

Maybe that Bulle will complete Wink
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 20:06

Meiti, the video where Florent plays Mozart at guitar is "Kazados.tv". There are also Claire Perot and Mikelangelo Loconte to present the show, themselves. They have to say what the following words mean for them : "Italy" for Mikele, "palais des sports" for Claire and "(music) Instrument" for Florent. In the end, they try to sing blues. Mikele says that Florent plays Mozart at guitar, which makes him very uncomfortable, but he plays it !!
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 20:31

Thanks, I had seen this video before but like always I didin't understand about what they are talking.
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 21:51

Thanks for the links!!!

meiti a écrit:
Thanks, I had seen this video before but like always I didin't understand about what they are talking.

you're not the only one Wink
It's also hard to understand for me...they talk so quickly...
but i'ts really amazing how flow can play mozart cheers
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 22:05

When I saw the video, I was just "Waaaaa"... cheers
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 22:14

Mam'zelle Bulle a écrit:
When I saw the video, I was just "Waaaaa"... cheers

yes....i didn't know that you can play this on the guitar...
I guess I would only kill mine if I would try to play this Very Happy
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 22:39

lol just to say (again) that Flo says he plays some instruments "not very good". Oh no you just play Mozart indeed, too easy Razz Laughing
It would be interesting to hear him playing the piano (ok he can't bring a piano with him everywhere)
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 23:18

Paquita a écrit:
lol just to say (again) that Flo says he plays some instruments "not very good". Oh no you just play Mozart indeed, too easy Razz Laughing
It would be interesting to hear him playing the piano (ok he can't bring a piano with him everywhere)

Smile...yes because everyone can play that for sure..Wink
I guess he's just beeing modest Smile

mh...did salieri play the piano??...i think he should get the chance to show how good he can play instruments during the show Very Happy
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 10:45

Weingummilady a écrit:
Paquita a écrit:
lol just to say (again) that Flo says he plays some instruments "not very good". Oh no you just play Mozart indeed, too easy Razz Laughing
It would be interesting to hear him playing the piano (ok he can't bring a piano with him everywhere)

Smile...yes because everyone can play that for sure..Wink
I guess he's just beeing modest Smile

mh...did salieri play the piano??...i think he should get the chance to show how good he can play instruments during the show Very Happy

Yes he's modest, it's great and it makes him kind Smile
oh yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptySam 22 Aoû - 22:00

I just found something intresting. (or it seems only for me Very Happy )

Florent Mothe’s Experience:

Mozart l'Opéra Rock
(Music industry)
September 2008 — Present (1 year)

Playing Salieri in Mozart l'Opéra Rock. From September 2009 to January 2010 in Paris and on tour In France, Belgium and Switzerland from February to June 2010. Album available.

F-squared (Self-employed)
(Self-Employed; Myself Only; Music industry)
April 2008 — Present (1 year 5 months)

Rise up association
(Non-Profit; 10,001 or more employees; Music industry)
January 2005 — December 2005 (1 year)

Singer/songwriter for the band Ouija. one 4 track album released.
Concert including Hard Rock Café Paris.

(Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Music industry)
September 2005 — September 2005 (1 month)

Featuring on the "Sweet Dreams" cover for the Kong lounge compilation by Beatrice Ardisson.

Rise-up association
(Non-Profit; 10,001 or more employees; Music industry)
January 1998 — December 2004 (7 years)

Singer songwriter. Released three 4 track album. Toured France/Germany for more than 100 concerts.

Source: http://www.linkedin.com/in/florentmothe

Dernière édition par meiti le Dim 23 Aoû - 22:58, édité 1 fois
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptySam 22 Aoû - 22:21

Thanks for the information meiti!!

it's also interesting for me Wink
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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyDim 23 Aoû - 0:54

yes, you found it in english !
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyDim 23 Aoû - 15:06

Great ! Razz
Thanks a lot !

For the piano, we can see him, in the dvd in the album. When they speak about the casting, they show a little passage of him, playing "Bohemian Rhapsody".
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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 34
Localisation : Lithuania

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyDim 23 Aoû - 23:25

You are welcom! Smile

On this video we can also see how Flo plays with piano (of course it's very small part)

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Elephant in chair
Elephant in chair

Nombre de messages : 3368
Age : 37
Localisation : sudiste

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyLun 24 Aoû - 9:45

thanx meiti !
there's another video where we see him playing the piano a few seconds. It is for "gala.fr", I think.
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Mam'zelle Bulle
Super White Jumbo
Super White Jumbo
Mam'zelle Bulle

Nombre de messages : 1142
Age : 33
Localisation : Somewhere

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyLun 24 Aoû - 10:02

Yes Meiti, I like this video ! Smile
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Éléphanteau inadapté
Éléphanteau inadapté

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 35
Localisation : Autriche

His biography Empty
MessageSujet: Re: His biography   His biography EmptyLun 24 Aoû - 22:24

Thanks for the video meiti!!!
great you found one cheers
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